While I thought I was done with the 70s (code names: e-MP/1 and e-MP/2) and bravely attacking the 80s (e-MP/3 and e-MP/4), then 90 (e-MP/5 and e-MP/6), still rummaging in the depths, I discovered vestiges of the seventies and even the sixties… (But don’t worry, I’ll stop there, I won’t inflict not my childhood drawings.)
Which earned us this e-MP/zero.
In these primitive works, most of them unsigned advertising works, there are, after selection, things of which I am not ashamed and which are even in line with the continuity or the contiguity of my more personal production then in its infancy: by Here and there, there is pop à la Kris Kool, or petit point drawing, or funny yucky monsters. No transcendent discoveries but curiosities, the complement of a journey…
BD et dessins divers et inclassables des années 60-70