During these years 1996-2000, alongside “Nocturnes” and the complete “L’Âge d’Ombre”, at Delcourt, I produced my usual batch of SF covers, but also a number of winks eye and tributes to some heroes, superheroes and colleagues in comics and comics: tributes to Franquin, Gillon, Lidwine, Kirby, Forest… etc. And Hulks, Spawns, Darkness…
And then again and again participation in fanzines, collectives, festivals, good causes. A screen print, a statuette, a few paintings… still no raccoon, but things that are even less known to amateurs (surprise!).
(And then forays into the field of games, as shown in La Sirène, the collection “L’Œil du Dragon”: role-playing games, video games, board games, Jules Verne CD-ROM, Tschaï project in 3D … To the point that it will also be necessary to provide a special “games” special issue.)
BD et dessins divers et inclassables des années 1996 à 2000