
Caza eBOOK: they talk about it… Thank you !!!


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Following her reading of Ginkoo-Bilooba, Elisabeth Vonarburg authorized me to communicate a piece of her email directly from Quebec. She also plans to review it in Solaris. It is a pleasure and an honor for me.

« … récupéré avant-hier soir, lu hier, aimé for all times 🙂 J’adore les apocalypses “alternatives”—bactéries bouffe-plastique, Mètres-Cubes et al., — et la pas-utopie tellement vivable-ensemble, et la délicieuse Valentina, et le pauvre Conrad, et la visite au musée. Et les zintertextes, et la poésie, et l’amour des mots et des histoires —comment ne pas aimer !? Il y a plein de Choses Profondes dites sans faire ch…suer, (et, sainte Chronicité ayant frappé, j’ai pu mettre en parallèle hier les considérations sur les mots dont le sens disparaît et ce qui se passe en temps réel ici & maintenant dans les cultures nordiques, où, le référent naturel étant en voie de disparition, les mots s’effacent… 🙁 )
Encore bravo, et hop cascade !
Élisabeth Vonarburg (même si ça ne va pas faire remonter ma crédibilité comme critique littéraire 😂) »

Michel Iarmarcovai, in the fresh LDC-BéDéGrammes.


Reviews on

9/10/2022 – J.P. Andrevon, in the Newsletter of L’Écran Fantastique.

Ginkoo-Bilooba, subtitled “Chronicle of a modest utopia”, signed Philippe Caza, is presented as a fix-up of short stories already published here and there but reorganized in a novel, and linked by “Preludes” which give them a coherence. The author describes here a post-collapse Earth (the “Great Slug”), caused by a plastic-eating virus – and it is well known that our poor world can only stand thanks to the omnipresent plastic – a planet where only one billion people survive at best, an ideal number so that we don’t step on each other and exhaust what remains to be exhausted. With humor, even a little dark at times, but rather optimistic, as is his spokesperson, the young Valentina, Caza gives us a view of daily life in a France that has become tropical in the 22nd century (there are hippopotamuses and crocodiles in the river), in a perspective close to Gébé’s Year 01, and which could have been inspired by the predictions of the collapsologist Pablo Servigne: it’s going to be hard at the time, but it will be better afterwards. A delightful book of 318 pages that the author, to say the least, has illustrated with a dozen color drawings (Arkuiris).”

CAZA and POP Art: he talks about it in the review Mémoires d’Images (n°51, June 2022): download the PDF

In BÉDÉGRAMS 6.44 of Monday, February 13, 2017: Download BDG644 in PDF



  • CAZA signed at the Soleil Vert bookstore on Saturday November 24, 2012

They talk about it on Facebook…

Michel Iarmarcovai a écrit (Cliquer ICI pour lire la suite):
Avec «Le Jardin Délicieux», CAZA offre le plaisir de voir mêlés érudition, analyse et déconnade, trois éléments qui font rarement bon ménage ces temps-ci. (...)
Car dès qu’on aborde l’étude iconoclaste des religions du Livre, les poils se hérissent chez les «fidèles» et, à la lecture arrangée à la sauce fanatico-intégriste du moment, répond souvent et seulement une attaque rarement drôle ou argumentée mais souvent seulement offensante. Tout commence donc quand Yahvé… rien. Puis de l’humus le grand cyclope rose crée l’Homme en commençant par le mâle onaniste qui n’avait rien à se mettre sous l’Adam. Avec Eve, le serpent et le fruit défendu, ça se Corse… Le dessin de CAZA colle au propos en étant à la fois léger, acidulé et entraînant, tout ce que j’avais un instant espéré chez Crumb avant que ses premières planches dévotes ne me tombent des mains… Le catéchisme, j’ai déjà donné ! Avec CAZA, il y a la distance et l’esprit fRondeur, la Bible la mieux traduite et les clins d’œil à Lacan ou Godard, le décorticage sérieux et le délire, ce que l’on ne voit plus trop dans nos contrées terriennes du siècle 21. Comme dit plus haut, il existe une version spécialement adaptée à l’écran – c’est d’ailleurs CAZA qui m’avait conseillé, au début des BéDéGrammes mis en pages, de choisir le mode «paysage» – mais ce «Jardin Délicieux» est également disponible en vrai livre de vrai papier, imprimé avec de belles couleurs grâce au numérique. Bravo tant pour le contenu que pour la démarche éditoriale ! Toutes les informations utiles sont sur le site et chaque opus est présenté par l’auteur dans une petite vidéo; il n’hésite pas, pour «Le Jardin Délicieux» à faire Adam. J’espère que si un tome 2 sur un autre thème biblique est envisagé, ce sera une Eve qui fera la présentation.
Cliquer ici pour fermer

Silvio Cadelo wrote:
Go take a look at this site. The eternal freshness of Philippe Caza’s drawings proves the vigor of 70s comics. Vitality, insolence, invention, creation of graphic and narrative worlds, rebellion and freedom that have given life to a whole generation of non-embedded cartoonist-authors.

David Uystpruyst wrote:
If I had to live in a drawing, it would be by Philippe Caza. Which ? Difficult to choose as the list is long and beautiful. From the Age of Shadow to Gandahar, via Arkhê, Scenes of suburban life or Children of the Rain… Not to mention the covers…

And also about the Delicious Garden :
The Delicious Garden is a delight. It was easy, but at the same time: it’s true!
I read it the day I received it, and then I wanted to read it again this weekend.
I find it superb. Relevant, funny, well-paced, intelligent and then beautiful! In fact it’s surprising, by which I mean that the whole thing constantly surprises. There are always good ideas, it’s very rich and everything fits together perfectly (like Adam and Eve!).
I liked it a lot, the tone is really very good.
One of my little shivers: “How could we have known that it was wrong to disobey you, since we had not yet acquired the knowledge of good and evil?” . Ah, it’s clear that it cuts her.
In short, like the character of Eve, I find the Delicious Garden: extremely well put together!

Jean-Claude Claeys wrote about Closet Monsters 1:
Great, I run to buy it: it will bring back all kinds of memories, happy, of course, since so many things were going on…

Jean Schmit wrote:
Ah yes, I remember very well ‘A comme’ and ‘Fume c’est du…’ It’s true that these were blogs before their time. At the time Caza had, like many elsewhere, hair a little longer.

Jacques Martel wrote:
Hello Philippe, I have received “The End of the World” and “The delicious garden”, with the ex-libris.
“Caza” that pleases, with touches of humor that remind me of “Le Hachelème” or “Scènes de Vie de Banlieue”, all well printed, posted quickly, and well packaged. What more ? Other albums? Yes, other albums…

Bodh Gaia wrote:
Great initiative that goes in the direction of a search for autonomy, new ways of circulating information and culture, concrete action at its own level but open to everyone, in short, as we like .

They wrote to us…

Eric Mortagne :
I congratulate you on all of your wonderful work.
More discreet than that of Bilal or Druillet, your work is no less…
Between 15 and 20, I’m 41 now, I remember buying an album that compiled several of your drawings. I keep a great memory of it and I still regret today having to sell it during a difficult financial period.
Your method of selling on the internet is well thought out.
We can’t wait for more authors and publishers to put it online.
Albums are expensive and you offer a great alternative.

Frederic Guibert:
I just received the usb card and guess… I’m in heaven. I had been looking for the first albums for a while without being able to avoid the speculators, whereas I had sold the Hlms… not too expensive to buy the complete set and the same for the first ARKADI worlds. Thanks again.
Even if the Master is retired (socially speaking) may he still make us dream with superb works.

Jose Roosevelt: What? Kris Kool and Fume is Caza, the archi-mythical untraceable albums that I could only glimpse in the sweaty hands of a miserly and barely aggressive collector, plus an album of press cartoons, plus bonuses accompanying Kris Kool, this essential masterpiece of psychedelic comics… all that for only fourteen euros and sixty measly cents? It’s done, I bought and devoured, even if it’s on the screen, it’s a shame by the way, the paper is so beautiful, but I don’t give up and I will continue to pray that a copy of Kris Kool and Fume appear to me in the bin of a bookseller. In any case, it gave me great pleasure to re-discover, re-watch, re-admire all that and I hope that the great Caza gets a lot of “e-readers” (well, this neologism has political paces), both new and nostalgic. Well done and see you one of these days!

And also at the release of the 30×30 eBOOK: Dear Philippe,
Despite all its flaws, I cherish my original, ramshackle copy of Caza 30 x 30 . Especially since the paper always seems to me more beautiful than the images on the screen. But I wish you a huge success for this computer version: it’s a very beautiful collection of images, which deserves to be discovered by the new generations (like the one who swears only by the virtual).
Love from your fan

Christophe Hercé : My electronic madeleine
Very happy to put this address in my favorites! I turned 46 a week ago and grew up with your work in front of me; and like all people (and amateur designer), I keep some graphic Proust madeleines including the “broomstick” trilogy (in the flexible “Pilot” version that I love) and the collections of Metal courts are part of it!
Of course, I have other of your masterpieces (including “Fume”) and I just acquired the collection “L’Œil du dragon” last week.
In short, it’s only happiness for a fan like me! So long life!
On the other hand, I’m neither on facebook nor on twitter, and I can’t imagine reading books or comics on screen, but only on paper, sorry!

Uman Andreani : Great!
Great admirer of comics, illustrations of SF novels and posters… Am too happy! It’s a great initiative. I will be able to do other than loot the illustrations of the “open letters”. And then if a few people in the chain can crust a little, I don’t see the problem. Long live non-standardized comics.

Jose Roosevelt: Hi Philippe,
The Delicious Garden arrived today, it is very very beautiful – the designs are magnificent! – and I read it in one go, it’s very nice and very funny. The end, with the return to the garden through Courbet’s painting, is sensational. My wife, who is doing fairly advanced Bible studies, will surely appreciate your book. Me, well, I have a tendency to polytheism which throws a certain distance between me and all these so-called sacred texts… which does not prevent me from finding them admirable and very inspiring. The proof…
Looking forward to a next publication… or a next meeting!

On blogging…

Les news of the Wens: (Cliquer ICI pour lire la suite):
<strong>Le jardinier des délices</strong><br /> S’il y a un truc qui est vraiment drôle, dans la bible, c’est bien cette histoire de serpent à sornettes et de grande faute commise par mademoiselle Eve en désobéissant par gourmandise à l’injonction divine et perverse de ne pas goûter à l’arbre de la connaissance dont les fruits sont méchamment hallucinogènes.<br /> Pas touche, sinon pan-pan cul-cul ! (...)

L’idée de dieux, à la base, c’était certainement pas une mauvaise idée pour expliquer les mystères qui nous entourent, feignant qu’ils en soient les instigateurs, mais ça a surtout servi, à mon avis, à prendre les enfants des bons dieux pour des cons.
Les métaphores, c’est bien joli, mais rien ne vaut un bon plan détaillé avec schéma explicatif et points sur les i.
C’est un peu ce que propose Caza dans son dernier livre « Le jardin délicieux », un plan détaillé du paradis, avec schéma explicatif et points sur les i et aussi de jolis dessins et de belles couleurs pour que les enfants du bon dieu puissent comprendre du premier coup.
C’est ce qui est bien avec la bande dessinée, on peut aborder la genèse à la façon de Robert Crumb, scrupuleusement fidèle au texte et enluminé d’une plume respectueuse, ou comme Philippe Caza, apporter une vision iconoclaste et personnelle des aventures d’Adam et Eve au paradis terrestre.
L’homme et la femme de goût, épris de justice, ne manqueront pas de lire les deux, mais si vous voulez vous marrer, je vous conseille celui de Caza. Ceux qui connaissent ses Lettres Ouvertes retrouveront l’humour parfois potache et les références pointues enlacées dans le même tango endiablé, ( si je peux me permettre cette métaphore hardie ( et Laurel ) )

Philippe Caza inaugure avec ce nouvel album une petite structure éditoriale en ligne et en papier et c’est pratique car si vous êtes curieux, ( ce qui n’a pas particulièrement réussi à Eve et Adam, mais bon ! ).Cliquer ici pour fermer

In the paper press

Metaluna n°2, April 2013: 2-page interview with CAZA and presentation of the Jardin Délicieux. Download PDF

Dans la Gazette de Montpellier le 14 12 2012
Dans la Gazette de Montpellier le 14 12 2012
Willem signale le Jardin Délicieux dans Charlie Hebdo
Willem signale le Jardin Délicieux dans Charlie Hebdo
Le Jardin Délicieux dans L'antre de la Folie
Le Jardin Délicieux dans L’antre de la Folie
Published in BéDéGrammes 5.21 of November 4, 2013
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Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Humanoids with the first-ever English publication of a stunning sci-fi masterwork ARKADI AND THE LOST TITAN by HUM > Lire la suite